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Our Philosophy

We believe that personally investing in yourself is a great way to free your spirit. Therefore, we use creative writing to help individuals find meaning in their experiences, view things from a new perspective, and see the silver lining in their most stressful or negative practices. We strive to make our workshops relevant and applicable to our participants’ current state of mind to ensure that the creative process is life changing.

Our Method

We develop structured creative writing exercises for our personalized workshops using a three-step system based on the needs of our targeted audiences and partnerships. Our three-step system, also known as our key components are: identification, clarification, and resolution.


This key component focuses on the current state a person is in, the present. During this step, individuals will engage in writing exercises that helps them point out the root of the issue and determine the basis of their feelings towards it. Participants will explore what the main source of the trauma is as they realize their position concerning where they stand. We will concentrate on how each person relates to and connects with the specified topic so they can better understand their situation.


This key component focuses on how a person arrived at their current state by better understanding their past. During this step, individuals will engage in writing exercises that helps them simplify their thoughts and make sense of their observations from the identification stage. By going through the creative process in this stage, participants will gain clarity of the problem, gain knowledge of the obstacles they face, and determine which hurdles they must overcome. We will concentrate on spelling out, elaborating on, and expounding upon the specified topic to dispel any further confusion regarding their situation.


This key component focuses on where a person will go from where they are, the future. During this step, individuals will engage in writing exercises that helps them find purpose in their reflections so they can make a sound decision about how to progress forward. Participants will find an answer to their underlying issues. We will concentrate on reaching a firm position and successful outcome on the specified topic in order to grow as a person for future prosperity.